Thursday, March 5, 2020

How To Study Smarter By Discovering Your Learning Style (Infographic) - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How To Study Smarter By Discovering Your Learning Style (Infographic) - Introvert Whisperer How To Study Smarter By Discovering Your Learning Style (Infographic) Discovering your study style will enable you to better understand your strengths and weaknesses so you can reach your full potential as a student.   A Brief Introduction to Learning Styles The term “learning style” can be defined as the ways in which peoples’ brains process, absorb, comprehend and retain information. As such, learning styles are not really concerned with  what  learners learn, but rather  how  they prefer to learn. Your learning style is unique to you and can be influenced by a diverse range of cognitive, emotional, experiential and environmental factors. In fact, studies show that everyone uses a mix of learning styles.   The Advantages of Knowing Your Learning Style “It is better to know how to learn than to know.” Dr. Seuss   Developing an awareness and understanding of your unique learning style will empower you to boost your academic performance. Knowing your learning style may also boost your confidence when it comes to learning and this can may you achieve your goals without doubting yourself or your abilities. It will allow you to create customised study strategies, this will take some of the stress out of exam preparation and will help to make your revision sessions more fruitful. What’s more, you will also be able to communicate more effectively with your teachers about your needs. What Are Some of the Most Common Learning Styles? Style 1: Visual Learning Most people fall into the “visual learner” category. Visual learners tend to learn best by sight and prefer visual demonstrations over verbal explanations. These individuals typically find it easier to visualise things in their mind so videos, photos and diagrams can be useful learning aids. Style 2: Auditory Learning   After visual learning, auditory learning is the most common learning style. Individuals with the auditory learning style are best at processing information through sound. It is not uncommon for auditory learners to have excellent communication skills. They also show a preference for thinking aloud so they find it useful to discuss ideas in a group setting. Style 3: Kinesthetic/Tactile Learning The least common learning style, a mere 5% of all people fall into the Kinesthetic/Tactile category. These people generally absorb information most effectively when they are engaged in a hands-on activity. They usually find it easier to concentrate when moving and dislike being sedentary. For best results, those with the kinesthetic learning style should attempt to integrate some form of movement or activity into their study sessions. Learn More If you would like to find out more about the different learning styles, then you should take a look at this interesting infographic which comes courtesy of Study Medicine Europe. This useful guide explains how cultivating an awareness of your learning style can help to improve your chances of academic success. It also lays out the various styles of learning and offers specific study advice for each category. It supplements this with some more general study tips. Scroll down to the infographic below to discover the best and study techniques for each learning style.

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