Thursday, March 5, 2020

7 Career Developing Tricks That Miraculously Work in Your Favor - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 7 Career Developing Tricks That Miraculously Work in Your Favor - Introvert Whisperer 7 Career Developing Tricks That Miraculously Work in Your Favor There is a huge difference between having a job and building a career. What most people do not understand is that career development is a continuous process and having a job is just the beginning of it. Your journey towards building a successful career actually kicks off way earlier than getting your first job. Your academic qualification and the skills you acquire through learning actually play a major role in shaping your career. But will that be enough? Apparently, no. You must have heard people saying “look at the bigger picture”. Generally, when they say it, they are actually implying to what happens in the longer run. You may find job hopping rewarding at the beginning, as the latest job offers you a better salary package and other employee benefits than the previous ones. However, when you look at the bigger picture, it actually brings down your credibility as a professional. Ideally, your goal should be to developing a career that helps you serve the big picture. What are the biggest challenges you may face in your professional career? Before you consider taking your career to the next level, you need to acknowledge the challenges that are the part and parcel of the having a professional career. At times, identifying these challenges may help you steer your career in the right direction. The transitioning: It often seems difficult for individuals to translate earlier work experience and skills into new employment opportunities. While it may appear necessary to change the job or even the industry under certain circumstances, candidates often find themselves in a critical situation as their last experience does not exactly match the requirements of the new job opportunities. Finding the purpose: Finding a job may not be the easiest thing for the individuals who are just starting out. However, finding a purpose in the job you are doing may be even more challenging than landing the job. Since there are not enough jobs in today’s market, most people need to start with an entry-level job that fails to fuel their passion. Not feeling a sense of purpose in the job can be daunting. Pursuing the wrong: Having an alternate career option may sound like a wise idea to pursue, but when there are way too many career choices in front of you, things may get a bit complicated. It often takes years for individuals to recognize their passion. And if a person identifies his or her true calling 10 years into the career, it won’t be easy for the individual to pivot the career from that point. Receiving unwanted responsibilities: You may enjoy your work right now, but when you are promoted and given certain responsibilities that you are not passionate about, it can not only affect your performance but also put your career in jeopardy. It is like asking a tutor who offers assignment help to the students, to manage the accounts of an institution. Unless the tutor is interested in crunching numbers, things are likely to go haywire for both the tutor as well as the institute. Staying relevant: The world around us is changing rapidly. To stay relevant in this dynamic world, every individual needs to update their skill and knowledge by getting acquainted with the latest technology and the recent trends. Every year a lot of Gen X and baby boomers are relieved of their responsibilities as the organizations are finding millennials to be more appropriate for their work. How to tackle these challenges and develop a successful career? If you are lucky, you may not have to face any of these challenges in your career. In most cases, some of these challenges seem unavoidable. But if you are prepared for all sorts of challenges and plan your career from the very beginning, you may just find the key to a successful career. Here are some career tricks that can put the odds in your favor. 1. Identify your personal goals: It is difficult to succeed in life if your personal goals do not align with your career goals. So, before you consider following a career path, identify the goals you have for yourself. You may want to get married and start a family by the age of 30, or perhaps travel the world at your own expenses. Whatever the goals are, acknowledging them may allow you to structure your career around it. Ideally, you should choose a career path that helps you achieve your personal goals. However, most people start their career without considering their personal goals. A few years down the line, they start to find themselves in a position where they can neither enjoy their professional life nor the personal life. So, if you want to have a fulfilling career, you should consider getting your goals sorted. 2. Improve your resume: If you are starting out your professional career, or want to pivot your career by pursuing a better opportunity, you should focus on improving your resume. Resumes allow you to highlight the areas where you excel while giving the reader a hint about your experience, knowledge and expertise. Since you are judged by the employers on the basis of your resume, you may need to prepare it in such a way that it looks impressive. There are a number of writing services like Myassignmenthelp and Myessayhelp which can help you prepare an impressive resume based on your credentials. However, that is just one way to improve your resume. Whether you realize it or not, if you don’t upgrade your skill set, presenting well-written documents won’t get you anywhere. So, while having a well-crafted resume may be important for taking your career to the next level, it is also important to acquire new skills so that your resume sounds interesting to the employers. 3. Acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses: You may be good at what you do. But is that the best you can do with your skill set? Perhaps not. There is always room for improvement. However, you may find it hard to improve yourself if you are unaware of your personal strengths and weaknesses. If you want to move closer to success, it is essential to acknowledge your strengths and limitations, which may help you to adapt to challenging conditions, whether its your professional life or personal. As you start to identify your strengths, you will be able to reap benefits by leveraging those traits in the professional field. Also, when you acknowledge your limitations, you can work on them and use it to your advantage. If you are able to identify your strengths and weaknesses early in life, it may help you choose a career path that allows you to utilize your strengths in the best way possible. 4. Start taking responsibilities in life: If you are intimidated by responsibilities and never really initiate anything from your end, you may have a find it difficult to succeed in life. The world is already filled with mediocre people who are very comfortable at serving under their managers. Well, there’s nothing wrong in following the instructions of your reporting manager, but if you wish to build a successful career, you need to start taking responsibilities. A successful person leads from the front, and so should you. Take initiatives, and make things work. Some of your decisions may work, some may not, but it is important to take full responsibility for your actions and thoughts. When you start taking responsibilities, you not only mature as a person but it also reflects on your performance which may provide you with the opportunity to take your career to the next level. 5. Create a strong network: Having connections in high places can be quite rewarding when it comes to the professional field. You are going to meet a lot of people in your career who may or may not be an influential person in the industry. Your objective should be to get acquainted with people and broaden your network. You may not require their assistance right away, but you may need their assistance in the future to boost your career. There are a number of ways to build a strong network of people. Social gatherings, seminars, and business summits are the best places to get acquainted with people. However, you can also use a social media platform like Facebook and Twitter to get introduced to new people. LinkedIn is quite useful in this context when you want to keep things professional. 6. Create your own identity: A successful career requires more than just a resume and several connections at high places. You need to make your own identity in the industry if you want to see yourself at an enviable position someday. As you may have noticed, companies spend millions of dollars in building their brand identity in the market. Even if you are working under a company, you can work towards creating your own mark in the industry. If you are ambitious about starting your own venture someday, it may be a good move for you to build your unique identity in the industry. You can invest in content marketing, which is quite effective in making people aware of your brand. Social media marketing is also effective as it allows you to interact with the audience. If you are already investing your time and energy in branding yourself, you may find it easier to run your company someday. 7. Seek guidance from the stalwarts: Another reason why networking is crucial for your career is that it allows you to get acquainted with the industry stalwarts who have been in the industry for long and know how things work around here. If you are at the early stage of your career, their advice and guidance can allow you to navigate your career in the right direction. You dont always need to look up to a high profile individual for career advice. If you have a great mentor, he or she can help you achieve your goals with proper guidance and support. In fact, you can seek guidance from any trustworthy person who has spent significant years in the serving the industry. As you may realize, career development is a continuous process. And if you want things to work in your favor, it is better to start planning early. People, who are clear about their career goals from the beginning, usually have better chances of succeeding. Author bio: Suhana Williams has worked in the professional field as a recruitment manager for the most part of his career. Currently, she is working as an expert at, where students, as well as professionals come to get assignment help. Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?  Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

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