Friday, March 6, 2020

Does private tuition really boost exam grades

Does private tuition really boost exam grades We're delighted to say, that of the families we surveyed after this year's GCSE and A-Level results, 80% said that they believe private tuition definitely helped them improve their grades. And to back it up, we asked the families we surveyed to outline their estimated grades and actual grades to see whether their grades had gone up. To our joy (and a little relief!) the results did indeed move in the right direction, i.e. our clients got better grades than estimated. In fact on average, families reported a jump of one whole grade as a result of private tuition, with very strong results for those starting tuition 3-6 months ahead, when compared to only 3 months ahead. Not only that, but to add to our delight, families said lovely things about ##site_name##. Namely, 95% said they would recommend us as a way of finding a tutor. Thank you! You've made our academic year! To the best of our knowledge, no one either in the industry or academia has conducted this kind of follow up research before, so for details of the survey, please visit our news area here. We would very much like to thank the families who partook in the survey, without whom obviously we would have nothing to report. If you would like to help with such research, please make sure you have ticked the 'Yes' button in your marketing preferences indicating you are happy to receive such emails from us. And to those just starting the new academic year, good luck!

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